
Food Chain For The Savanna

Cheetahs are secondary consumers that prey on primary consumers, including gazelles.

... Anup Shah/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Africa's grassland, or savanna, ecosystem is an open, grass-covered state with small, interspersed trees. Its diverse species play specific and important roles. Food chains trace the transfer of free energy from 1 organism to another in an ecosystem. They are elementary and linear, whereas food webs include all of the interconnected food chains in an ecosystem. Food webs must strike a delicate residual to ensure that no one organism becomes overpopulated within an ecosystem.

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1 Producers

Producers, or autotrophs, make upwardly the base of any food web, providing energy, both direct and indirectly, for all organisms inside the savanna ecosystem. Producers are often plants that utilise photosynthesis to produce energy for themselves and for the consumers that eat them. In the African savanna ecosystem, producers include plants such as star grass, lemon grass, acacia trees, red oat grass and jackalberry trees. In many parts of the African savanna, the soil is too sparse to support producers other than grasses. In these areas, trees abound on termite mounds instead of soil.

2 Primary Consumers

Main consumers get their energy from the producers of the African savanna. Zebras, antelopes, gazelles, gnus, elephants, giraffes and many species of insects are herbivores, meaning that they eat plants exclusively. These grazers and other plant-eaters brand upwards the second tier of the food chain in African grasslands. Occasionally, chief consumers may exist omnivores every bit well. These organisms, including aardvarks, swallow plant life only as herbivores do, just they also sometimes eat meat or insects as well.

iii Secondary Consumers

Secondary consumers are the omnivores and carnivores, or meat-eaters, that receive their energy by preying on the primary consumers of the African savanna. Africa'south big cats -- cheetahs, lions and leopards -- are examples of this group. Other secondary consumers in Africa'southward savanna include hyenas, wild dogs, humans and ophidian species.

four Scavengers

Secondary consumers aren't the but carnivores that can be found on the African savanna. The grassland is also habitation to a class of animals known equally scavengers. Scavengers receive energy from freshly expressionless or rotting organisms that have been killed by secondary consumers or that have died from other circumstances. Scavengers of the African savanna include vultures, jackals and hyenas. These animals provide an essential service in reducing animal waste by consuming animal carcasses and recycling their nutrients dorsum into the environment.

v Decomposers

Decomposers accept the job of breaking down and returning inorganic nutrients into the ecosystem. These organisms, including fungi, termites and leaner, swallow dead matter from plants and animals, likewise as waste affair, and release information technology back into the environment equally inorganic nutrients, including carbon dioxide, which is in turn made available to producers. Any remaining energy at this stage goes to the decomposers, and inorganic matter is returned to the nutrient pool.

Food Chain For The Savanna,


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